Friday, February 15, 2013

Ah, To Be Unemployed Again

   A new year and another job lost; I don't think I'm a very good employee. As a former employer once said, when he wrote me up for insubordination, I have a "lone-ranger attitude" who "...cannot abide by anyone's rules but my own despite his superiors warning him otherwise."

   That sounds pretty cool to me.

   However, I actually left this, now last, job on my will because I was offered a job across the country doing pretty much nothing. Sounds like the dream, right? Well, that didn't work out. My potential employer kept pushing that I had got the job until she said she had to run it by her partner at the last minute. That's when they said no.

   Now I'm left jobless and slightly humiliated as I can't go back and ask for my old job back (not like I wanted it back) and I can't go and tell people what happened to my hopeful adventure in that I've built it up too much already. I've got a month's worth of money to last me but I know that'll dry up before a month...

...On the bright side, I have all this time to complete old things and do some new things! Here's some of those things and a glimpse of a few things I need to finish up!

    It's not pictured but I've got a chassis for a scale Super Star Destroyer that needs attending to, so pics will come up soon. Oh, and two more personal projects will follow suit (nothing referencing pop-culture, but actually artsy-fartsy pieces) that I hope to sell. I actually hope to sell most things I'm going to make. At this point, I don't have much to hope for but that's something.


1 comment:

  1. Hahaha yeah I was thinking that your ex-Boss' assessment of you sounded kinda awesome. A back handed insult. Love the Spill typographical illustrations and the Vader hoodie.
