Saturday, August 24, 2013

Six Kadam High...

Just some up-em-dates. 

Molded the finished side in silicone rubber, once cured, I gave it a plaster bandage shell for support, and pumped out two castings with shitty hobby store resin (the last time I use that).

Of the two shit castings I used the least bubbly to help keep proportions the similar on the sculpt of the other side. It's still a work in progress but it is getting closer.

On an unrelated note, I recently took up bookbinding. While working on the Ra piece, I was alternately working on a book/CD case for an extra copy of the Skyrim soundtrack I got ages ago. The book is gonna be turned into a copy of "An Explorer's Guide to Skyrim" with the discs inside: Shawshank Redemption style.

Because I'm so clever.

I didn't document how I put the book together (it was a really messy process) as I was putting the thing together with no experience and little skill. In any case, it turned out okay. Hand cut drawing paper, hand-sewn together, and hand-made fabric book cloth. You can look all these methods up online and there are tons of great videos out there showing how it's done. I thought about making a video, myself, documenting how I put mine together as an example to "how not to put a book together."

But, that would've been embarrassing to watch.

Monday, August 19, 2013

They're Digging in the Wrong Place

I am the monarch of the sea.

I've always wanted this (hopefully, once this is done, some others will, too) so I just decided to make it. About a day and a half of on and off sculpting (3-4 hour sessions) for this side. Gonna mold this side, cast it, and use it to help align the other half once I get around to sculpting that.

Expect some more of this soon.

Monday, August 5, 2013


Respirator and Bandoleer problems solved! Apoxie Sculpt glued to suede, painted and weathered, with smaller bits through the big bits to tie together.

 Outer robe should be done pretty soon.

Friday, August 2, 2013


Got the car back. However, I am minus an arm and a leg now.

But enough of that. Here's the inner robe on the Raider, and boy, does it come to life with it on.

At 11PM

They came and took my car. Them bank bastards. Don't they know that being broke is gonna make me miss a few payments?!

Anyway, this lit a really big fire under my ass and I opened up two online stores. They'll be up on the left side of this blog but I'ma drop them here too.

Society6 -
Etsy -

...and I have a Spoonflower account. Mostly Joker costuming shit, but here it is anyway:

I'm quite liking this Society6 thing ,despite you getting paid for what people actually bought from you two-three months after the fact, and I think I'll be posting up new stuff there more regularly.

You win some; you lose more.

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Some Updates

Face tweaked on Monday, painted up on Tuesday:

Wrapped up on Wednesday Thursday. Dunno what I did on Wednesday, I've completely lost track of all time: