Just a project added to the my already overflowing plate of things I want to get done.
Lots of sanding and drilling ahead of me. LOTS of drilling and sanding.
Then comes the making of the interior mechanics. (Can't wait for that part of the job)
Also, gotta work on modifying the shitty recast above it even more. The bolt casing is what I need to do the most work on. It's not as even upon closer inspection. It's hard to see where some areas dip but you can certainly feel it. Along with that, I have to do some touch ups on the magazine; the tip is too narrow for my liking.
A lot more research on the anatomy of guns is going to have to be done, as well.
Oh, and before I forget: I'm working on this, sparingly, too.
Revisiting a few animations that could do with some smoothing. Godamn timelines, I hate how it makes everything looks so cut-and-pastey. Ah well, gotta work with what I have. The sequence after this is done in flash and I'll have a better time fixing stuff there because, you know, frames and all. Much better results.
Can't let golden child, Stephen, win three times in a row, now can we? My ultimate goal is to set the bar so high, no one can touch it. In fact, I just want my submission to be better than his or the ones he's submitted. I will have won if it is so. I want my hands so tightly gripped on the bar that I set, that it won' slip my grasp when I bring it down onto his shit's skull. My quality bashing it's godamn brains in.
Too much?
Hahaha, your comments on Stephan crack me up. The funny thing about his videos is that they're good only in comparison to his competitors, but that's because his competitors don't put as much work into their entries as he does; in other words it's not saying much. I suppose all I can say is, if you're going to set the bar high, then you're going to have to really commit to the work. Stating the obvious here, I know. I just hope that you do annihilate Stephan.