Tuesday, July 23, 2013

The Monster's Mate

It lives: the Bride of Frankenstein!

It was made pretty much exactly like the Mumm-Ra figure earlier. The only things worth noting are that the shoulders are padded with fleece, the eyes on this figure are covered with a super glue that not only works as a sealant but gives it a sheen that brings life into thing, the body is semi-anatomically correct, body includes stitching and is covered in bandages, fingers on the extended hand: all have broken off and attached again but the thumb, the base had to be made twice, figure is painted black and white in acrylics, the hair is the same as my "Billy" puppet and Cardboard-Leonidas Helmet but the temples are from cotton balls. It was also a bitch putting it all together.

This'll be on sale soon as I'm thinking of starting an Etsy account with this on the listing but, I feel just having this for sale doesn't feel right. So, I'm gonna make two more things, at least, and then this will be sold along with the other two (I'm thinking Tusken Raider and Invisible Man (maybe The Mummy) stuffed toy). So, stay tuned for that shit.


  1. Amazing stuff. You need to make your own toy line, eventually. Looking forward to the Tusken Raider.

    1. Maybe, one of these days. Speaking of one of these days, when we gonna see more of your project?
