Monday, December 9, 2013

The Penultimate Majora's Mask - Part 2

Here's where it was when I last left off:

(I redid the eyes twice, making it 6 times now that I've had to tweak it)

And here's where it was after 8-10 hours of work later:

What's the difference between the two? Lots of smoothing. Especially inside of the the crevices of the carved pieces.

As soon as the face is done, I'm going to do the horns, and after the horns; the eyes, I'll do. There's still a ways to go but I'm getting there.


  1. If you're interested;

    Oh, and the mask is looking hot. Looking forward to it painted.

    1. I never understood how those fucking groups worked. The formatting just confuses the hell out of me or, at least, my eyes.

      On the topic of Mr. J, though: damn, didn't see that coming. I never much cared for the guy (never could be himself, always had to play up him being the "Joker") but it's a pity he couldn't cope. At least he left two peoples happy: one, 700,000 bucks happy, me; going out with a classic Dr. Who quote, that put a smile on my face.

      Apologies if I come off sounding like a total dick.
